BTL-6000 EASY Radial Shockwave
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Training and Workshops

Are you interested in learning about recent breakthroughs in therapeutic electro agents?
Then this workshop is for you!
Taught by Physiotherapist Rosen Kolev, World‑Class Instructor with over 10 years experience with BTL Shockwave Technology.
Training and Workshops

Are you interested in learning about recent breakthroughs in therapeutic electro agents?
Then this workshop is for you!
Training and Workshops

Are you interested in learning about recent breakthroughs in therapeutic electro agents?
Then this workshop is for you!
Why BTL Shockwave?
Clinically proven, affordable and efficient, the BTL-6000 shockwave units are one of the most powerful and compact radial shockwave therapy devices on the market. The high-performance built-in compressor and weight of only 15lbs makes the BTL-6000 shockwave units a perfect solution for travel between clinics or in-home therapy. The ergonomically shaped and durable applicator delivers high energy acoustic waves. It’s also spring loaded to eliminate the transfer of reverse shocks to therapist’s hand and includes best industry warranty on the revision kit. Medical Device Licensed by Health Canada 80111.
- Pressure up to 4 bars
- Frequency up to 15 Hz
- Easy and intuitive operation
- 7 Pre-set protocols for quick set up
- Adjustment of the parameters during the course of the therapy
- Ergonomic and spring-loaded applicator
- Revision kit includes the best warranty in the industry of 2 000 000 shocks
- Light weight for easy portability
- Integrated compressor
Physiological Effects and Mechanism of action for Shockwave (PDF)
BTL Physiotherapy Manual (PDF)
Research & Evidence
Approved by Health Canada, shockwave therapy is now being more extensively used in the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries all around the world in rehab and physiotherapy clinics and is the subject of numerous studies that show its effectiveness and efficacy.
Pain reduction
by more than
Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy in the Treatment of Chronic Plantar Fasciitis
ESWT is a non-invasive, safe and effective treatment for recalcitrant plantar fasciitis.
Magdy Husseiny, Ahmad Mansour
Rheumatology & Rehabilitation Department Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Source: Zagazig University Medical Journal, 2009; 15(1) 73–82
More than
75% very
satisfied patients
Extracorporeal Radial Shockwave Therapy for the Treatment of Achilles Tendinopathies
This prospective study shows the efficacy of extracorporeal radial shockwave therapy in the treatment isertional and not insertional Achilles tendinopathy.
Edison Antonia Serrano
NEOMEDICA, Lima, Peru, 16th International Congress of the International Society for Medical Shockwave Treatment, 2013
Elimination of
calcifications in
84% of cases
Shockwave Therapy in Scapulohumeral Periarthritis with Calcific Tendinitis of the Shoulder
Establishing a medical rehabilitation protocol completely efficient and safe, concerning the patients with degenerative and inflammatory pathology of the shoulder with tendinous lesions idiopathic calcific disease.
Augustin Dima, Simona Popescu, Sebastian Diaconescu, Gina Galbeaza, Victorita, Marcu, Daniela Poenaru, Delia Cinteza
Institutul National de Recuperare, Bucuresti, AI 31-lea Congres National de Medicina Fizica si de Recuperare cu Participare Internationala, 2008

Lease For $3/day
Finance your success and benefit from the advanced technology for as low as $3/day.

Training & Education
Gain valuable understanding about shockwave and application techniques.

Loaner Program
In the rare event your unit runs into problems, we've got you covered.
Most Common Indications
✔️ Rotator cuff tendinitis and bursitis
✔️ Shoulder calcification
✔️ Tennis elbow
✔️ Carpal tunnel syndrome
✔️ Trochanteric bursitis
✔️ IT band friction syndrome
✔️ Achille’s tendinitis and bursitis
✔️ Plantar fasciitis
Powerful units built to last
- Convenient and easy storage
- Mobile solution
- Easy to change
- Warranty of 2 000 000 shocks
Shockwave Blog Posts

In the Spotlight: Shockwave Therapy
Shockwave therapy is a highly effective pain treatment, non-invasive and non-surgical solution for musculoskeletal pain. This extracorporeal shockwave therapy is frequently used in physiotherapy, orthopaedics and sports medicine for pain relief..

BTL Shockweave Trial Program
Are you interested in shockwave but not sure if it’s the right solution for your clinical practice? OrthoCanada is pleased to offer a 3-week trial* program for Shockwave Therapy..

How to Afford a Shockwave Unit and Make it Profitable
Working as a Biomedical Engineer at OrthoCanada for the last five years, I’ve spent quite some time chatting with therapists and healthcare professionals about Shockwave Therapy and its benefits..

Why your Clinic Should Offer Shockwave Therapy
Every now and then, there is a new breakthrough technology that makes its way onto the market and quickly becomes indispensable to clinicians who want their practice to excel and truly want to help even the most chronic cases..
Fast shipping across Canada!
Plantar fasciitis
Heel spurs
Patellar tendinitis (jumper’s knee)
Lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow)
Medial epicondylitis (golfer’s elbow)
Thumb basal joint Arthritis
Chronic Inflammation
Shin splints
Morton's Neuroma
Insertion Tendonopathy
Epicondylopathy radialis /Ulnaris
Myofascial Pain Syndromes
Impingement Syndrome
Tendon calcifications
Patellofemoral Syndrome /Achillodynia
Tibialis anterior Syndrome
Erectile Dysfunction