Caviwipes1 Surface Disinfectant


$25.95 - $279.00

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CaviWipes1 Disinfectant, 160 wipes/canister, 12/cs
$279.00 279
CaviWipes1 Disinfectant, 160 wipes/canister
$25.95 25.95
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*Proven effective against SARS-CoV-2 on hard non-porous surfaces

CaviCide1 and Caviwipes1 are fast and effective multi-purpose disinfectants that kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi in 1 minute.  They are the only low-alcohol 1 minute disinfectant on the market. When used as directed, they clean and disinfect hard, non-porous surfaces efficiently, and help reduce the risk of cross contamination.  Not to be used to disinfect porous surfaces. 


Features and Benefits 

- Convenient 1-step multi-purpose cleaner and disinfectant is ideal for everyday use
- 1-minute kill time for viruses (including HIV-1, HBV)*, bacteria (including TB and MRSA) and fungi on hard, non-porous surfaces (see kill claims below)
- Proven effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2
- Safe for use on external surfaces of most medical devices
- Fragrance-free
- Bleach-free
- Allows for more efficient treatment area turnover
- Available in multiple configurations to meet your office needs
- Registered with EPA 


CaviCide1 Kill Claims – 1 Minute


- Mycobacterium tuberculosis var:bovis (BCG)(TB)


- Acinetobacter baumanni
- Burkholderderia cerpacea
- Enterobacter cloacae
- Klebsiella pneumoniae
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- Salmonella enterica
- Staphylococcus aureus 


Drug-Resistant Bacteria
- Carbapenem-Resistant Klebsiella pneumonia
- ESBL Escherichia coli, ESBL E.Coli
- Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
- Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis (MRSE)
- Multi-Drug Resistant Acinetobacter baumanni
- Vancomycin Intermediate Staphylococcus aureus (VISA)
- Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus faecalis (VRE)


Enveloped Viruses
- Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)
- Hepatitis C Virus (HBC)
- Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1
- Human Coronavirus (not associated with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome or SARS)
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV-1)
- Influenza A Virus Strain A (H3N2 Virus)
- SARS-CoV-2


Non-enveloped viruses
- Norovirus
- Rotavirus


- Candida albicans
- Trichophyton interdigitale


CaviCide1 Kill Claims -3 Minutes

- Adenovirus II* 

*Adenovirus require 3- minute contact time


CaviCide1 may be used in the following settings

Hospitals, Clinics, Operating rooms including anesthesia equipment, Emergency medical settings, Surgical centers, Outpatient Surgical Centers, Isolation areas, Neonatal units, Infant and child care equipment surfaces, Laboratories, Oxygen hoods, Respiratory therapy equipment, Nursing homes, Ophthalmic and optometric facilities, Dental offices, Animal care facilities, Salon settings, Emergency vehicles, Schools, Health club facilities, bathrooms, Daycare centers, Correctional facilities, Laundry rooms, and other critical care areas where control of cross contamination between treated surfaces is important.


Precautions for safe handling

Keep away from open flames, hot surfaces and sources of ignition. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Wear personal protective equipment. Wash hands before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco, or using the toilet. Avoid breathing mist, vapors. Ensure adequate ventilation. Refer to product label for additional information on use and handling. Follow all SDS precautions described in ‘Disposal’ section of Safety Data Sheet when handling empty containers 


Storage Conditions

Store at room temperature. Store in dry, well-ventilated area. Keep away from heat and direct sunlight. Keep container closed when not in use. Do not contaminate water, food, or feed by storage or disposal.