Left Postural Analysis

SKU: ED-1602L

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**These are no longer two part inserts to make scanning easier for our paperless clinic**

If your clinical focus is on posture, curve restoration and functional improvement, this is an essential ROF tool. Patients take notice when you demonstrate how disfigured they really are. That's the purpose of this patient handout.

Before your report, fill in the patient’s name, date and your practice information. On the posterior view, record head tilt or range-of-motion limitations. Draw any scoliosis, uneven shoulders or unbalanced hips. Record the weights from your bi-lateral scales.

Use the lateral view to show a forward leaning head, loss of curve, spondylolisthesis or other problems. Make your orthopedic examination findings more meaningful by turning millimeters, degrees and arcs into something patients can understand. And take home with them!

Posture Report of Findings Insert

Pkgs of 50 
Right-Facing also available
8½" X 11"