Parents Guide to Chiropractic Brochure


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Like to see miracles? Like to have fun? Want to change the world? See more children and pediatric patients!

Show parents how to detect presymptomatic subluxations by deploying this 12-page brochure.

Educate parents and grandparents about the benefits of chiropractic care for babies, infants, teens and children of all ages.

Teach parents to recognize signs of presymptomatic subluxations in their children.
Reassure parents of the safety and value of today’s chiropractic.
Urge parents to bring their children in for a chiropractic checkup.
Present this brochure when a parent shows improvement. Drop it in the mail to inactive parents with a brief cover letter. Use it to inform your active and inactive practice members about pediatric chiropractic care.

This is an essential handout for those who want a family practice. It confidently tackles the topics of birth trauma, colic, otitis media, amoxicillin, growing pains, Ritalin, scoliosis and the real-world issues your patients wrestle with. Compelling. Persuasive. Powerful.

Stabilize your practice with more families and help prevent the chronic, hard-to-fix problems you see later in adults.

Parents Guide to Today's Chiropractic Brochure

12 pages

Packages of 50