Pilates White Foam Roller

$12.95 - $200.00

Special pricing available on this product for healthcare professionals.
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Pilates White Foam Roller - Round 6'' x 36''
$37.95 37.95
Pilates White Foam Roller - Round 6'' x 36'' (6 rolls)
$200.00 200
Pilates White Foam Roller - Half Round 3'' x 36''
$27.95 27.95
Pilates White Foam Roller - Round 6'' x 12''
$16.85 16.85
Pilates White Foam Roller - Half Round 3'' x 12''
$12.95 12.95

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* Per SKU. Volume discounts cannot be combined with existing promotions, discounts or promocodes.

Prices automatically adjusted in your cart. Available exclusively to logged in healthcare professionals  on select supplies and equipment.


Foam rollers are commonly used in physical therapy, rehab exercises, pilates and yoga as a self-myofascial release (deep tissue massage) tool. They are also used for balance exercise training and stretching. The White Foam Roller is made of high density foam. The White Foam Roller is more supple and soft that the Coal Foam Roller and the EVA Foam Roller.

Size Chart:

Type Length Density
Round 36" 6"
Round 12" 6"
Half Round 36" 3"
Half Round 12" 3"