White Mountain T2 Automatic X-Ray Developer, 2 x 5 Gallons/Case
SKU: XR-4010D
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White Mountain T2 Automatic X-Ray Developer: case contains 2 bottles of 5 Gallons each.
White Mountain Imaging’s T2 Developer is a premium high activity developer formulated for all general and specialized radiographic films. T2 Developer is a clean working developer with excellent resistance to aerial oxidation, and is unequalled for sensitometric stability.
Designed to deliver the highest image quality with all brands and types of medical imaging films. The unique 2-part design eliminates both acetic acid and uncomplexed aldehydes, which are found in 3-part developer formulations. The convenient unibottle packaging eliminates handling multiple concentrate bottles, thus eliminating mixing errors. All T2 Developers deliver maximum stability, cleanliness and resistance to oxidation.
T2 Developer is a premium high activity developer formulated for all general and specialized radiographic films. Compatible with all brands of x-ray film, it meets or exceeds film manufacturers recommendations for speed, contrast and base + fog. T2 Developer is a clean working developer with excellent resistance to aerial oxidation, and is unequalled for sensitometric stability.
- Works with all R & F Ultrasound, Angio & Laser films
- Compatible with Agfa, CEA, DuPont, Fuji, Kodak, Konica and 3M films